What a great location to be auditing playgrounds and fitness equipment, Melbourne always has plenty to see along with some of Australia's best open spaces.
A comprehensive audit was done for the City of Onkaparinga for its 262 playgrounds. This included reviewing each of the play equipment, skate parks, softfall and fitness equipment.
Darwin Toy Library is the largest Toy library in Australia. They contacted Softfall Testing to do a detailed impact test inspection for their playground. The softfall used was sand. The test results report on the compliance of the soft fall product in accordance with the Australian Standards.
Softfall Testing was approached by Katherine East CHild Care centre to do an impact attenuation testing of their softfall. The softfall rubber’s critical fall height and thickness was benchmarked against the references as recommended by the Australian standards. These tests were carried out by a Level 3 comprehensive playground inspector.
An impact test audit was done for Katherine hospital which included a combination play unit and a double swing. This was done in accordance with the Australian standards.
Barkly Regional Council approached Softfall Testing to do an yearly comprehensive inspection of their newly built playground. This included 3 items of play equipment, shade and the softfall. The report emphasized on inspecting the newly built playground with the benchmarked Australian Standards.
Sandy Bore approached Softfall Testing to do an impact test report of sand on their playground. This included reporting the condition of the softfall and whether it is compliant with the Australian Standards.
Softfall Testing did a detailed impact test of the newly installed softfall rubber at St. Paul. This was to establish whether the new rubber was compliant post-install.
Softfall Testing conducted an impact testing inspection at the Stuart Primary School to determine if the soft fall- sand was compliant with the Australian standards. Moreover, this report included the results which are used to manage risks and compliance.
Victoria Daly Regional Council approached Softfall Testing to do an yearly comprehensive inspection of Heritage Park exercise area. This included level 3 comprehensive inspection in accordance with AS4685 to establish the overall safety of the equipment, foundations and playground surfacing.